Fighting Against Forced Labour and Child Labour in Supply Chains Act (Bill S-211)

updated: (February 9, 2024)

Identifying Information

This report is for the Entity JACK VICTOR LIMITED (Business Number 102555190RM001) for the financial reporting year of December 1, 2022 to November 30, 2023.  This is an original report, and not a joint or revised report.

The Entity Jack Victor Limited (hereafter Jack Victor) is not subject to reporting requirements under supply chain legislation in other jurisdictions.

According to the Act, the Entity Jack Victor:

            Has a place of business in Canada,

            Does business in Canada,

            Has assets in Canada, and

In the most recent fiscal year, Jack Victor surpassed the size-related thresholds specified in the Act.

Jack Victor is engaged in manufacturing, wholesale trade, and retail trade, and is headquartered and principally located in Canada, in the Province of Quebec.


Annual Report

  1. A) Jack Victor is a company with corporate offices and manufacturing facilities situated in Montreal. Jack Victor has 939 employees based in Montreal, and another 12 full time and part time employees work in New York City, Southern California and Seattle.  Founded in 1913, the company is now 111 years old.

Jack Victor’s Montreal factory manufactures fine men’s tailored clothing (suits, sportscoats, blazers, trousers, and formalwear) using fabric, linings and components from Europe and the Far East.  The company also imports tailored clothing and related categories (such as sportswear and outerwear) that are manufactured in Europe, the Middle East and Asia.  All products are wholesaled to department stores and independent men’s clothing stores throughout the United States and Canada.  Jack Victor also sells products directly to North American consumers through its two ecommerce websites, which are operated by a wholly-owned subsidiary Jack Victor Direct Sales Inc.

  1. B) Jack Victor’s workforce includes 788 unionized employees who enjoy wages and benefits agreed upon during freely held labour negotiations (Union des Employes et Employees de Service, Local 800). Overtime is optional and is reimbursed at time-and-a-half. Canadian and Quebec labor laws and the factory’s union representation are strong factors in assuring that the company’s Canadian operations are free of any forced labour or unlawful child labour practices.

All unionized and non-unionized employees must submit proof of age in the form of a government health card, passport, or other government-issued document which provides a photograph, full name, and date of birth.  Copies of such documents are kept on file.  Except for part-time positions, the minimum age of employment is 18 years of age, and no person subject to compulsory school attendance is employed, in accordance with provincial and federal law.

For those firms in the supply chain elsewhere in North America and in Western Europe, it is our belief that local government regulations prohibit child or forced labour.  Jack Victor embraces highly responsible business conduct and expects the same from all our business partners.   Many of the firms in our supply chain have been suppliers for 25 years and more, particularly in Italy. It is our belief that these long-established companies are compliant with all local legislation on child and forced labor.

Outside of North America and western Europe, the company whenever possible engages the services of local agents who are responsible for introducing the company to reliable suppliers. These agents typically vet suppliers by visiting factories on a regular basis and observe and make inquiries regarding supplier operations.

Except for the legally mandated and additional informal measures described above, the company does not currently have any written policies and due diligence processes in place related to forced and/or child labour.

  1. C) The company has not started the process of formally identifying parts of its activities and supply chains that carry a risk of child and/or forced labor. Through anecdotal and press reports, it is our belief that child labour could be more likely to occur in economically impoverished countries and forced labour more likely to occur in authoritarian political environments.
  2. D) For the reporting year of fiscal 2023, no measures have been taken to remediate instances of forced labour or child labour either in the company’s activities or in its supply chain, as neither situation has been identified.
  3. E) Equally, as no measures have been taken to eliminate instances of forced labour or child labour, it has been unnecessary to remediate any loss of income to any affected parties.
  4. F) For the reporting year of fiscal 2023, Jack Victor did not provide its employees with any formal training on forced labour and child labour.
  5. G) Jack Victor currently does not have any policies or procedures in place to assess its effectiveness in ensuring that forced labour and child labour are not used in its business and supply chains.

Approval of the Report

This report is in respect of a single entity, Jack Victor Limited, and is approved by:

Maurizio Iuliani

Chief Management Officer, Jack Victor Limited

February 9, 2024


In accordance with the requirements of the Act, and in particular section 11 thereof, I attest that I have reviewed the information contained in the report for the entity listed above.  Based on my knowledge, and having exercised reasonable diligence, I attest that the information in the report is true, accurate and complete in all material respects for the purposes of the Act, for the reporting year listed above.

Alan E. Victor

President & CEO, Jack Victor Limited

February 9, 2024

Fighting Against Forcer Labour and Child Labour in Supply Chains Act (Bill S-211) EN

 Fighting Against Forced Labour and Child Labour in Supply Chains Act (Bill S-211) FR